Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Paranoia: The Barbie Chronicles Episode 2 is out!

Our fun little Barbie Chronicles project has just turned 2, as in Episode 2. Released on Vimeo last night, Paranoia, as its title suggests, explores some of the paranoid delusions that Barbie experiences in her old house. Watch it on Vimeo by clicking here, or on the embedded video below:

The Barbie Chronicles Episode 2 Paranoia from Franco Esteve on Vimeo.

The first episode of the Barbie Chronicles was more of an artsy expression. In many ways, it was more about the wonderful music from Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde than about the film itself. It was open to a number of interpretations as to its meaning and purpose, exploring social themes about beauty, love, death, etc., depending on your own experience.

Paranoia - Barbie Chronicles Episode 2
Episode two is an entirely different creature. The just released, Paranoia, is set in an old house and shows Barbie waking up to a series of “visions” after reading the scary novel, Dark Places (Click on the link to get it on Amazon.com. It's a great read. UK readers can get it here.). What’s real and what’s not is open to interpretation and is part of the fun (as are a couple of nods to some of the films I love). Paranoia - Barbie Chronicles Episode 2As always, of course, everything is done the “Tecato” way (Tecato is a Puerto Rican word for drug addict that is also used to describe things of low quality or low production value, cheap), trying to make something beautiful and fun in the cheapest, crappiest way we can, doing everything ourselves.

More images from Episode 2:

Images from the Barbie Chronicles Episode 2 Paranoia

I hope y’all enjoy it. If you missed the first episode, you can watch it on Vimeo here or on the embedded video below:

The Barbie Chronicles Episode 1 Reaction from Franco Esteve on Vimeo.

We’ve already started working on Episode 3, and barring any production issues like those that had us having to indefinitely postpone the original Episode 2, should be ready much quicker than Episode Two Paranoia.

Thanks for watching, and if you enjoy the Barbie Chronicles, don’t forget to share, like, and tip on Vimeo.

Keep up with news and information from my projects by following @FrancoEsteve and @bnowhereblog on Twitter, and by visiting www.francoesteve.com and www.bnowhere.com (You are here. Thanks for visiting.).

Keywords: Barbie Chronicles, Episode, Two, Paranoia, Episode One, Reaction, Barbie, Chronicles, Art, Film, Short Film, Movie, Video, Vimeo, Death, Suicide, Fear, Horror, Scary, Fun, Tecato, vision, Franco Esteve
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